Thursday, June 18, 2009


¡hola todos!

As I've been living here for the past couple of weeks I've noticed
some things that I thought were worth mentioning. My time here is
nearly half over btw. I took a midterm in Spanish today. But it's
definitely a glass half full kind of situation. I'm nowhere near done
with sevilla yet. I've done so much, but there's do much that has yet
to be done. :) Anyways random stuff time:

•Seville time. It's different. For example my class starts at 9:30.
I'm charlotte people will be in class at like 9:20. Here they don't
even open the classroom until 9:30. The teachers might even show up a
bit late and students are not really reprimanded for tardiness. I
asked my profesora about this and she said it's normal for people to
be late by "5 minutitos". (I love it when people add "Ito" on the ends
of words btw)

•Spanish boys (amd some girls) are trying to bring back the mullet.
And the rattail. ew. The worst is a mullet with the long part in the
back in dreads. The absolute worst was a girl with a boy-cut and one
long dread hanging off the side of her head. Seriously. Who told her
that was cute? Ugh.

• I don't really feel as though my Spanish is improving. I guess I
have my moments where it's good, but I think I'll have to wait until I
get home to see a major difference. I still need lots of practice!

•I lost my bath and body works lotion. I think I left it in Lagos :
( but now I just use the leftover lotion from the girls who were
staying in the residencia before me. Free and high quality stuff ;)

• harem pants/ gypsie pants/ saggy crotch pants. Whatever you want to
call them. They have arrived. Prepare yourselves.

• I downloaded an app on my iPhone to convert centigrade to
farenheit. Apparently 46 grados is 114.8 degrees. FML.

• There is this unlimited bus pass you can buy. It's €30 a month.
I'll just walk.

• People have been asking what kind of reactions I get walking around
with my hijab on. I get some looks and comments every now and then,
but nothing bad. Just a bit annoying and of course there's the stupid
questions. But I can handle it. There's really not a lot of Muslims
here. The only people weaing hijab were tourists I'm pretty sure. And
of course they don't say anything to me. Every now and then there's
Muslims who seem really happy to see me and who are amazed when I tell
them I'm American. I'm sure there's more Muslims hiding somewhere I
just need to find them.

• No, I'm not Moroccan. And the reason I'm staring at you like that
when you try to speak to me in moroccan arabic is because I'm trying
to figure out what language you're speaking. Lo siento, my brain is

• Oh and btw I've totally forgotten any remnants of Arabic I used to
know. My brain is on Spanish mode apparently and the words just don't
come to me in Arabic anymore. It's going to suck when I go Jordan.

• I met a guy from my dads hometown in Palestine the other day. At a
mcdonalds. What are the odds?

• Just so you know "estoy caliente" doesn't mean "I'm hot". At least
not temperature-wise.

• I love how people here put "super" in front of everything.
Superfacil, superrapido, superdivertido...

• I can't spell in English anymore

• People here really carry fans to cool themselves off. Like...
Locals...not just Asian tourists or something.

• Spanish people are not musty. It's so weird. It's so hot and people
are sweaty but they don't stink. Actually most people smell really
good... I'm not used to that in foreign countries haha.

And now I shall leave you with some jokes in Spanish:

Estan dos cubanos en el calle y pasa un hombre vestida de Santa claus.
Va uno y dice "papa noe." y el otro responde "mama tampoco."

Era una mujer tan gorda, tan gorda que se puso un vestido de flores y
llego' la primavera.

¿Que' le dice el número 3 al número 30?
Para ser como yo, tienes que ser sincero.

Jajaja. Besitos.

Sent from my iPhone


Kahloutia said...

I don't get it. does "noel" have another meaning?

Do the McDonalds there serve anything particular to the region?

Anonymous said...

No it's just that cubans cut the ends of words off so it's making fun of that. The most special thing at mcdonalds is this really good icecream cone with a kitkat stick in it for 1 euro. It's the cheapest icecream in town :)

- suzanne <3

Anonymous said...

Hi sweetie,
I hope this comment actually makes it on the blog. The last one I wrote did not show up.
I can't believe your time there is half over. Insha Allah you will continue to speak Spanish to EVERYONE!!! Practiec, practice.
(don't worry about the arabic, it'll come back to you when you get there).

Anonymous said...

btw does FML mean what it think it means!? :-O