Sunday, January 16, 2011

True Life: I'm a College Graduate

Graduating from college is awesome (as is evident by the awesome photo above).

Some people have plans for life after graduation - grad school applications, job interviews, runnning away and getting married. And some people don't.... unless you count sitting around in your pjs all day eating Flaming hot Cheetos and watching Jersey Shore plans. I'd say I'm more in the latter group. "Going with the flow", traveling, working part time. I enjoy my life and I'm happy that I never have to stay up all night cramming for a finance test again, or fill in the annying bubbles on a Scantron form to take a test, or drive around for what seems like  forever in the UNCC parking lot to find a stupid spot. I don't miss school (yet) and I'm not entirely a lazy bum (yet) and I'm alright with that.

But one day it will hit you. And it's scary.

Not like omg-pee-in-my-pants-scary-movie scary.... more like omg-what-am-I-going-to-do-with-the-rest-of-my-life?! scary. Like I said, some people have a plan. But for the 97.83% of us that don't, this moment is pretty much inevitable. It may hit you as soon as you walk across that stage. Or when you wake up on the first day of class... and you don't have to go. Or when you're filling out a survey and you can no longer use "student" as a viable career option. Or when the first snow snow hits Charlotte and you realize that there are no snow days in real life. This moment will come. What AM I going to do? I'm not a student anymore, and I can't use that as an excuse anymore.

I still am happy with the way I live, don't get me wrong. I don't regret not having a plan as soon as I graduated. I feel like I deserve to not have to work too hard or be stressed out for a while (I mean, I've spent like 16 years of my life in school). But it's possible that I'm just using this as an excuse not to settle down and get a "real job". And yes, I like being able to have a different schedule every day, and taking chunks of time out of my workweek for traveling... but maybe I'm just using this as an excuse... because I'm afraid.

It's true... I said it. I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of cubicles
I'm afraid of job interviews
I'm afraid of new people
I'm afraid of feeling stuck
I'm afraid of responsibility
I'm afraid of boredom
I'm afraid of stress
I'm afraid of hating my job
I'm afraid of being out of my comfort zone
I'm afraid of the mundane
I'm afraid of making mistakes
I'm afraid of a lack of adventure
I'm afraid of becoming a workaholic
I'm afraid of carpooling
I'm afraid of finding out that 4 years of college really didn't teach me much of anything
I'm afraid of failure

I'm afraid of real life
.... but I'm kind of excited too...

**But seriously, I do recommend graduating :)


LailaZK said...

Fears are what make us brave.

Cube- Javaid's cube is pretty cute. I decorated it with candy and pictures and it makes it less scary.

Job interviews. I have been reading "Job Interviews that Get You HIRED" from Borders in anticipation of my upcoming interview...scary..

New People...I thought I'd be more scared but people are extremely kind and welcoming..and curious. Plus everyone we know now were new people before.

Stuck/Hating the Job- No such thing. I left 3 jobs in the past year..not that that's good lol.

Responsibility/Stress- You've probably already had as much responsibility as you will in a job when u were a student. Just like in HS they tell us that college will be so scary, but HS classes are more dificult..

Boredom/Lack of Adventure/Mundane- is inevitable for ur personality no matter what you do. Guys usually keep things interesting. :P

Out of my comfort zone/finding out that 4 years of college really didn't teach me much of anything- Me too but I figure if we show enough leadership ability they'll take the time to teach us what we need to know. And if not, there's Google :D

Making mistakes/Failure- Me toooo. I'm sure Allah has a lesson hidden in case I do though.

Becoming a workaholic- If u love what u do and can balance life as well, why not?

Carpooling- Buses ;)

Junaid said...

Haha, love this blog entry.

Al-Kawthar said...

i knew it.

our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate...our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure...hahahah

' Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Sσrℓisค ... , said...

I can soo relate to this post!
Graduating can be scary, yet it's also the opening of something new and potentially something better.

I think one of the scariest things is getting tied down to something on a long term basis and inevitably hating it... which would suck so much because we've been tied down studying for so many years!

joojoo said...

I'm obsessed with ur blog now :| I read all of it =)